Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Third time's a charm

Hey hey,
So by now, I hope you all have enjoyed watching SWAGourmet! Episode 2, where I show you how to make Skirt Steak Carne Asada Tacos! They definitely are delicious, and I was really happy to receive some comments on the videos- someone even said that he tried the marinade at home and was successful! I also got comments asking for more vegetarian dishes, and a comment asking for a recipe for Mexican style chicken too. So I got thinking, and I knew for sure that in the next episode of SWAGourmet!, I had to show you how to how to make a SWAG Mexican chicken recipe that you can use in place of steak in our tacos. I also knew that I wanted to show you how to make a veggie alternative to the tacos too. So great news: I just uploaded SWAGourmet!, Ep. 3, Parts 1 and 2, and in the videos, I show you exactly how to make those alternatives: Mexican Grilled Chicken Adobo and Mexican- Style Veggie Crumbles. They both turned out verrrry well btw; good eats! I'm going to post the recipes soon, but here's a quick rundown:

So with the chicken, I knew that I first needed a marinade that would bring the Mexican flavors... I didn't really think that the steak marinade would work too well with chicken..I wanted a marinade that was more, uh, saucy. I wanted a pungent, thick marinade that would really add lots of flavor. Hmmm, I thought of chicken that I get in burritos at Mexican restaurants near my house... One "saucy" marinade that I found out to be really common in Mexican chicken dishes is an adobo sauce. An adobo sauce is known for its three main ingredients: a variety of Mexican chiles, tomatoes, and vinegar... plus of course Mexican spices like cumin and paprika. When you blend those with a few other ingredients, a SWAG marinade/sauce is created! The marinade has the sweet, spicy, savory, and acidic all working at the same time, and that adds great flavor to your chicken as it marinates, and even as a sauce on top after you grill it. Yum, just put that chicken in a tortilla with grilled peppers and onions, plus our cilantro cream from episode 2, and I'm telling you, there will be a fiesta in your mouth!

Then with the vegetarian alternative, my best bet seemed to be to work with veggie crumbles, which you buy in the frozen foods aisle, and they're like ground beef, but they're meatless and fully cooked. However, I felt a need to SWAG IT UP to really transform the ingredient into a Mexican masterpiece. So, simply by cooking the "meat" (haha) in some vegetable oil then seasoning with some traditional Mexican spices, you can make a delicious, meatless substitute for the steak we made for our tacos in episode 2. Serve in a tortilla with some of our pico de gallo and cilantro cream from episode 2, and you're good to go!

So that's just a preview- watch the videos on my YouTube channel (if you click on the tab above called SWAGourmet!, it will link you right to it), and I will be sure to get back to you with the recipes ASAP, because you WILL want to try these at home!
Swag out,


  1. Swaggin' in to say we meatless mammals appreciate your cooking with veggie crumbles! Could also be some potential with black beans, tempeh, or tofu!

    Thanks, Chef Gev! :)

  2. Thanks so much for the comment! It's my absolute pleasure to cook vegetarian dishes for people like you who are vegetarian. It's really important to me that everyone be able to enjoy my recipes and give them a try at home. By cooking vegetarian dishes, I also benefit because I get to broaden my culinary horizon haha. A good cook should be able to cook delicious dishes while also being able to make substitutions to suit other people's dietary needs! Keep cooking, and I will keep the veg dishes coming (thanks for those great suggestions too!)
