Recipe Requests

Let's say you're throwing a party and you need some recipe ideas.
Or maybe you want to cook a special dinner for your family but you have no idea what you're going to make.
Or perhaps you just want to add a new dish to your culinary repertoire.
Maybe you watch my YouTube show, SWAGourmet!, and there's a recipe you want to see me make on my next episode.
If any of those is the case for you, then comment to this post with your inquiries! This page is the place where you and I can connect as curious foodies and interact to together take on all of our culinary pursuits. So reply with your requests and I'll reply ASAP! I'm looking forward to hearing what we'll be cooking next!


  1. Jamaican Beef Patties are delicious but I want to see Chef Gevin put to the test!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to leave a request for me, but though patties are delicious, I think I'll stick to buying them from local Jamaican bakeries haha. They're just one of those things that a select group of true Jamaican-born people have mastered after years of studying their relatives or local Jamaican bakers. Though my parents are Jamaican, and I know yours are too, my family has never taken to making patties from scratch haha. You should learn and teach me!

  3. Gev...
    I have an itch for something Shrimpy and Curry based...(and loaded with veggies of course!)...
    what ya think for this gluten-intolerant teacher/pal of yours?

    go get 'em, tiger!

  4. Dear Chef Swag,
    Awesome job with this website! What a fun way to explore a passion. Below are some ideas of delicious Spanish foods:

    1) Churros and Chocolate (make sure there is no sugar on top of the churros...the chocolate has enough sugar)

    2) Next time you make a soup try adding mint leaves or ice (if cold soup)

    3) Salmorejo

    4) Tortilla espaƱola (similar to a quiche)

    Hope these help! Keep up the fantastic work/ play ;)

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words! Also, thank you for those great ideas; I did some research about Salmorejo, and it sounds delicious and also very easy to make. I will definitely look into trying some of those and even featuring them on my show. Again, thanks, keep cooking, and stay tuned for upcoming posts and videos!

  5. How about Chicken 65 for your Indian friend!
